The Perkins’ Maid is the story of a young girl named Jessica who works as the personal maid for a very wealthy couple. Jessica finds herself getting involved in more than just dusting and cleaning, and what started out as the best job in town ended up getting even better. Originally this started as a collection of four short stories, but due to popular request, I am planning on writing a couple more series featuring Jessica in the not too distant future. Please check back for more details. In the meantime, below is a synopsis of the current short stories, which are also available individually. (Each of these stories contains mature subject matter and they are not intended for anyone under the age of 18.)
Home Maid – Jessica thought she had the greatest job in town, until the day she discovered that the boss had plans to extend her duties. Then the job suddenly got better!
Hastily Maid – After Jessica slept with the boss, she started to wonder what would happen if the wife found out. Then one afternoon the wife corners her in the study, and she finds out exactly what the wife thinks about the affair!
Head Maid – When the two Perkins boys come home for Thanksgiving, the maid finds herself in hot water with first one and then the other! What happens when they both show up at her door?
Tailor Maid – Mr. Perkins is running late for an appointment with his tailor, so Jessica goes out of her way to keep the man entertained until Mr. Perkins can make it home!
Ready Maid – Jessica helps the Perkins’ throw a fabulous party, but the real fun doesn’t start until after the guests leave!